Partner with Goodtable.

Maximize your restaurant's earning potential by selling reservations directly to avid food enthusiasts.

Bolster your Bottom Line.

Keep the majority of every reservation made through Goodtable- up to a full 90% of the purchase.

Learn more
  • Profit Maximization: Average restaurant margins hover between 6-10%, selling reservations on Goodtable can significantly enhance your profit margin.

  • Seamless Reservation Management: Choose between automatic listings or manual updates for last-minute changes.

  • Eliminate no-shows and cancellations: Customers are verified when the reservation is purchased.

Hesitant about Selling Reservations?
We've Got You Covered.

Our community allows members to trade their reservations if unforeseen circumstances arise.

We suggest all restaurants validate their business, even if not listing reservations. This validation allows for seamless management of transferred reservations

Learn more and become verified today – It's Quick and Free.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Goodtable operates as a platform where users can buy and sell their personal restaurant reservations. Much like how services such as Yelp provide consumers with information and reviews about local businesses, Goodtable provides a space for consumers to share and exchange reservations.

We recognize that some restaurant owners might prefer not to have their reservations exchanged in this manner. However, it's important for consumers to have the ability to buy and sell their personal reservations, especially when unforeseen circumstances arise.

If there are inaccuracies or updates you'd like to address about your restaurant's information on our platform, please get in touch with us at We are committed to ensuring the information is accurate and up-to-date.

Goodtable operates as a platform where individuals can buy and sell their personal restaurant reservations. We understand and deeply respect the individual policies of each restaurant. Our platform is built on the foundation of allowing individual users to manage and exchange reservations they've personally secured.

However, we offer a solution for restaurants that wish to maintain a closer connection with the reservations made in their name: becoming a Verified Business on Goodtable. 

As a Verified Business:
- Restaurants receive updated contact information of the new reservation holder will be shared with the restaurant to ensure smooth communication.
- Verified businesses have the unique ability to post reservations of their own for sale, allowing them to have direct control and monetize potential vacancies.
- When a reservation is sold by a Verified Business, the restaurant receives 90% of the purchase amount.
- Posts from Verified Businesses take priority over standard user posts, giving them a significant advantage in visibility.

Goodtable encourages all restaurants to consider becoming a Verified Business as it provides a way to gain control, visibility, and additional revenue opportunities while embracing the dynamic nature of our platform.

We always advocate for users to be aware of and adhere to individual restaurant policies. If there are specific concerns or feedback regarding listings or the Verified Business program, we remain open to dialogue and are committed to fostering a constructive relationship with the restaurant community.

Here's how it works:
Automated Posting: Goodtable offers tools that allow you to seamlessly integrate your reservation systems. With this integration, available reservations can be automatically listed on our platform, ensuring that any open slots are promptly made available to our user base.

Manual Posting: For occasions when restaurants prefer a hands-on approach or need to make specific adjustments, our platform provides an intuitive interface for manual entry. This allows Verified Businesses to list reservations on-the-fly, catering to any sudden changes or specific needs they might have.

To get started with either option email-

Introducing the concept of selling reservations to your customer base can be a transformative shift.

Here's our guidance:
Customer Familiarity: While the idea of purchasing reservations isn't entirely new, many customers might still be unfamiliar with or initially hesitant about this model. Transitioning gradually can help ease them into the concept without overwhelming or deterring potential diners.

Recommendation: We recommend starting conservatively, listing up to 20% of your available tables for sale. This allows you to gauge customer reception and adjust accordingly without drastically altering your regular booking dynamics.

Profitability Impact: Selling reservations has the potential to significantly boost overall profitability by monetizing high-demand time slots and reducing no-shows. However, moderation, especially in the beginning stages, is key to ensure a seamless transition and maintain customer loyalty.

Every restaurant's needs and customer base are unique. As such, while our guidelines provide a starting point, the best approach will always be tailored to your specific circumstances. Monitor feedback, assess the response, and adjust your strategy as needed. And as always, our support team is here to provide insights and assistance every step of the way.